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Joshua Whiting



My 2024 Reading Log

Posted: 2024.03.18
Below please find my bespoke reading log. I do still try to track my reading on Goodreads because I have a lot of old friends and colleagues there, but I want it first on my own website in my own way.
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On Reading Updates

Posted: 2022.07.02

I’ve explored a lot of alternatives, but I’m going to continue with posting bespoke reading updates here; I’m also going to try and get back to sharing updates on Goodreads again.

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My Reading in 2022 (reading updates)

Posted: 2022.02.11

Below is a running list of books I’ve read in 2022, with my current reads listed at the top.

You can find a list of links to articles, essays, poems, and other shorter works I’m reading [here], and you can find all of my reading updates [here].

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My Reading log

Posted: 0001.01.01
Below please find my bespoke reading log. [2024-05-12 Note: This is not yet a complete or accurate log of all of the books I have read this year, nor all of the things I have written or gathered about the books I have read. We’ll get there at some point, hopefully.] I do still try to track my reading on Goodreads because I have a lot of old friends and colleagues there, but I want it first on my own website in my own way.
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[This is the _default/list.]
Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. Made in Millcreek, Utah, USA. Contact me. Built with Hugo and my own WP51 theme, still a work in progress. Hosted via Github and Netlify.