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Joshua Whiting


notes metablogging

Your art is more important than your audience

Your art is more important than your audience - screenshot of my horoscope

Your art is more important than your audience.

– so says my A.I. / algorithmically generated horoscope today, the notification popping up while I was mid-contemplating just how to curate collections and microthoughts such as these on this website, and whether to continue to do it just for myself or reconnect somehow with a social media network for the possible benefit or irritation of unknown others.

I still haven’t decided.

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: updates horoscopes
People: me
Places: nowhereland
Series + Sources: metablogging
Topics: curation art audience astrology sharing shyness social media Asynchronous lifestyle
Works Cited: Co-Star App

Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. Made in Millcreek, Utah, USA. Contact me. Built with Hugo and my own WP51 theme, still a work in progress. Hosted via Github and Netlify.