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Joshua Whiting

learner, writer, creator, librarianish person

Welcome to joshuaw.xyz, my home at the end of the internet.

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At the moment I’m primarily using this site to track my reading. You can skip straight to my reading log and book cover gallery, which is otherwise buried behind some clicks.

Visit the about page to find out more about me and this website. In the past I’ve used this site for much more than a reading log, and I hope to expand its breadth again very soon.

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Recent Notes [ RSS Feed ] []


I've been listening to Complete Discography (shuffled) by Big Thief. 🎵

Complete Discography (shuffled) - Cover Art

Listening to every track by Big Thief on shuffle because I’ve wanted to see them for years but never could, and found out they are doing a Twilight Concert in Salt Lake in September for just $20 a ticket and I got a ticket and now I just need to figure out if or how I can convince anyone in my family to go to this concert with me. No worries if not, though, I will not hesitate to go by myself.

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I read Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995 by various authors. 📚

Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995 - Cover

I don’t like how this is still showing as a ‘currently reading’ book on my website after all this time, so, though I am not finished with the overall shoegaze/dreampop/4AD/90s rock listening project (mission creep and distraction) I am marking this ‘completed’ as a book.

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I updated my now page today. This post snapshots the current version.

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I'm reading The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis again. [ ↻ 89% ] 📚

The Horse and His Boy - Cover

Continuing in re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia with my son.

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I read Abandon Me by Melissa Febos. 📚

Abandon Me - Cover

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I read Poetry January/February 2025 - Young People's Poetry by Poetry Foundation; Elizabeth Acevedo, Issue Editor again. 📚

Poetry January/February 2025 - Young People's Poetry - Cover

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I read Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White. 📚

Hell Followed With Us - Cover

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On some lowkey Wallace Stevens shit this Sunday morning.


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I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis again. 📚

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe - Cover

Comfort bedtime reading with my son every other night or so. Past Log Updates DATE : 2025-01-01 Started reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with Will tonight.

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I've been listening to God's Country by Chat Pile. 🎵

God's Country - Cover Art

I’m purple man, too

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