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Joshua Whiting


notes dog life


It is currently 4 AM and I am awake for some reason, and I just heard a noise downstairs of unclear origin.

Maybe I shouldn’t have watched this with my 4 month old puppy around. Was that a mistake? Will she live deliciously now? Will she grow up and randomly kill us all one morning like that damn goat?

The VVitch Movie Poster - TMDB

She started paying attention at points where there were kids on the screen. She got noticeably agitated at a couple of moments when characters were yelling at each other or screaming. I don’t think she paid attention to the blood. I hope she didn’t pay attention to the blood. I turned the movie off and made her go outside while I finished watching this. Then I felt bad so we played fetch in the darkness for like 30 minutes.

The VVitch Movie Poster with Hare - TMDB

It’s been over three months since I last watched a movie, and because this dog’s crate is in the same room as our television, it may be another three months before I watch another one.

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: updates film reviews watching updates essays
People: Luna
Places: at home
Series + Sources: dog life
Topics: parenting dogs horror
Works Cited: The VVitch by Robert Eggers

Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. Made in Millcreek, Utah, USA. Contact me. Built with Hugo and my own WP51 theme, still a work in progress. Hosted via Github and Netlify.