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Joshua Whiting






The Wild Robot Protects - Cover[ 72% ] Soil - Cover[ ↻ 16% ] Moonbound - CoverAll Fours - CoverThe Wild Robot Escapes - CoverDeath's Country - Cover [ more ]

Linking [ coming soon ]

Listening [ coming soon ]

Pointy Heights - CoverMy Method Actor - CoverIs This It - CoverRose Main Reading Room - CoverGhosts - CoverEKKSTACY - CoverHole Erth - CoverI LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU - Cover [ more ]

Playing [ coming soon ]

Sneaky Sasquatch - CoverThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Cover [ more ]

Watching [ coming soon ]

Back to the Future - CoverDune - Cover [ more ]

The 'now' and 'next' portions of this page were last updated on . (See my prior 'now' updates linked below.)

The Linking/Listening/Playing/Reading/Watching sections are or soon will be dynamically updated from my various activity logs, which can be accessed by clicking the '[ more ]' links to the right of the images.

Credit for the 'now' page concept goes to Derek Sivers. I tend to get aspirational when I update it, so I've decided to embrace that by adding a 'next' section.

Past Instances of 'Now' :

[This is a 'now' list page.]
Last Updated:
You have found joshuaw.xyz, my weird little home at the end of the internet. Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. About this site.