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Joshua Whiting


I read Moonbound by Robin Sloan. 📚

Moonbound - Cover

What happens next?

Past Log Updates

DATE : 2024-09-11

This book is at least as fun to think about when I can’t be reading it as it is to actually read it.

I guess what I’m saying is the world and the ideas and pretty much everything is very appealing, but I’m not desperate to rip through it to find out what happens. Vibes.

DATE : 2024-09-07

Put this aside for a little while but now I’m back to reading it actively.

DATE : 2024-08-21

Looking at Robin Sloan’s latest newsletter today inspired me to finally start reading his book over any and all other possible choices…such as reading any number of other books I’ve started or meant to start soon, re-watching Dune and Dune, Part 2 because for some reason I can’t get them out of my head, playing any number of video games, or continuing to putter around in my email, the News app, etc.


Reading Log Metadata / Details

Goodreads Link - Moonbound (ISBN: 9780374610609)
Library Link (usually Worldcat) - Moonbound (ISBN: 9780374610609)
Date Started: 2024-08-10
Date Finished: 2024-09-15
Times Read: 0
Genre / Strand: science fiction adventure metafiction
A 2024 Favorite

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Format / Genre: log entries updates
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Topics: books reading
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