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Listening Log: Hole Erth

[Originally Posted: 2024.09.07]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.11]

I listened to Hole Erth by Toro y Moi. 🎵

Hole Erth - Cover Art

Toro y Moi’s music is just endlessly listenable to me, almost no matter what does, though it often takes me a minute to come around to whatever his latest flavor is. This album is no exception.

Toro y Moi’s music is just endlessly listenable to me, almost no matter what does, though it often takes me a minute to come around to whatever his latest flavor is. This album is no exception.

I love how he seems so chill but takes on ambitious challenges and manages things that it seems like shouldn’t work for him: successfully trying on various genres, the maturing of his vocals, and in this album’s case a fair amount of rapping and some successful pop moves, among other things.

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Standalone post link: Listening Log: Hole Erth


[Originally Posted: 2024.09.07]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.11]

I listened to I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU by Jpegmafia. 🎵


I hear you went down down down down down down down down I hear you went down

I hear you went down down down down down down down down I hear you went down

I was pretty obsessed with All My Heroes Are Cornballs a few years ago. I don’t know why I haven’t paid much attention to the stuff he’s done since then, but now I’m definitely paying attention.

I feel an exhaustive JPEGMAFIA / Devon Hendryx discography listening project is coming soon…

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(went searching for the source of the sample and youtube caught me)

I hear you went down

jpegmafia’s 100th problem - “don’t rely on other men” song analysis

How JPEGMAFIA Breaks EVERY Beatmaking Rule

I remember watching some random youtube where he hung out with James Blake and just shared some of his productions at the time (AMHAC era)

Standalone post link: Listening Log: I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU

Reading Log: Soil

[Originally Posted: 2024.09.07]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I stopped reading Soil by Camille T. Dungy. [ Paused at 16% ] 📚

Soil - Cover

(I didn’t complete my re-read of this book, I guess.)

(I didn’t complete my re-read of this book, I guess.)

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DATE : 2024-09-07

Reading Soil again because I want to move forward with rewilding my yard, but a little more intentionally as Dungy describes in this book, instead of my lazy ways. This book is the only thing I’ve encountered so far that describes something close to what I want to try to do going forward.

Also, I just really like this book and wanted to practice notemaking and writing my thoughts and responses to it this time around.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: Soil

Now and Next (September 1, 2024)

[Originally Posted: 2024.09.02]
[Last Updated: 2024.09.10]


  • rewilding my front yard
  • working at the same job I have had for fourteen years
  • reading a bunch of wild shit
  • walking around my neighborhood without my dog, sometimes for miles and miles


  • develop a consistent writing/making practice
  • sort out the listening log on this site
  • sort out everything else on this site
  • be social on the web again
  • go on some wilderness adventures in the fall


  • rewilding my front yard
  • working at the same job I have had for fourteen years
  • reading a bunch of wild shit
  • walking around my neighborhood without my dog, sometimes for miles and miles


  • develop a consistent writing/making practice
  • sort out the listening log on this site
  • sort out everything else on this site
  • be social on the web again
  • go on some wilderness adventures in the fall

This reflects my ‘now’ page update of September 2, 2024. Please visit that main now page to see my dynamic log galleries, as well as an archive of prior and newer ‘now’ updates.

Credit for the ‘now’ page concept goes to Derek Sivers. I tend to get aspirational when I update it, so I’ve decided to embrace that by calling it ‘now and next.’

Standalone post link: Now and Next (September 1, 2024)

Reading Log: All Fours

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.30]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read All Fours by Miranda July. 📚

All Fours - Cover

All fours is a hell of a book. Hilarious, ridiculous, not infrequently gross and also not infrequently profound. Feels like it was probably a lot fun and freedom to write this way, but with a huge amount of thought and work under the surface.

All fours is a hell of a book. Hilarious, ridiculous, not infrequently gross and also not infrequently profound. Feels like it was probably a lot fun and freedom to write this way, but with a huge amount of thought and work under the surface.

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The Yale Review | Miranda July on Emotional Honestly, Art-Making, and…

Standalone post link: Reading Log: All Fours

Reading Log: The Wild Robot Escapes

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.26]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown again. 📚

The Wild Robot Escapes - Cover

Forgot what a smart follow up this is; it builds so well on the first book while exploring so many more ideas.

Forgot what a smart follow up this is; it builds so well on the first book while exploring so many more ideas.

And the meeting with the maker loomed so large in our minds; we misremembered that that happened at the end of the first book, and so were waiting forever for it, but also didn’t want Roz to get caught. Couldn’t remember how it all came together.

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2024-08-03: Started Reading

Read aloud with my son at bedtimes some nights; a re-read for both of us. We previously finished our re-read of The Wild Robot and intend to read the full trilogy. Also feel a bad hipster’s need to clarify that we started these reads without knowing about the upcoming film release; wouldn’t want to be misconstrued as following a trend. I was a Wild Robot fan before it was cool.

2024-08-11 : 29%


Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Wild Robot Escapes

Reading Log: Death's Country

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.25]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read Death's Country by R. M. Romero. 📚

Death's Country - Cover

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Standalone post link: Reading Log: Death's Country

Reading Log: Sheine Lende

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.17]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read Sheine Lende by Darcie Little Badger. 📚

Sheine Lende - Cover

Finished reading early this morning. Another great one from this author. Review to come?

Finished reading early this morning. Another great one from this author. Review to come?

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Started reading this the other night with my son but it was too harrowing for him as a bedtime read, so I’ve just been continuing on my own.

2024-07-13 - 31%

So far it stays somewhat creepy throughout, with a mysterious vibe and shadow of death over everything that happens, so for the sake of my son’s restfulness it was a good call to not continue with it in that venue. We really loved A Snake Falls to Earth and I had also read Elatsoe previously. He was interested in trying Elatsoe but we decided to try this prequel first. I’m not sure if we would encounter the same issues with Elatsoe; I don’t remember it being too suspenseful (at least not in the “threat to small children” and “missing mother” elements which Sheine Lende opens with), but it does have a murder mystery element, vampires, and some creepiness. Maybe he’ll come back to this later in another way?

If there was a sequel or prequel to A Snake Falls to Earth he would read it in a second. I for one look forward to a story of the mockingbird’s chaotic misadventures on Earth, culminating with taking down the Nightmare?

2024-07-19 - 51%
2024-08-12 - 68%

Got myself back to this book tonight; no way am I going to leave it unfinished.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: Sheine Lende

Listening Log: GIZMO

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.13]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.11]

I listened to GIZMO by Tanukichan. 🎵

GIZMO - Cover Art

I had to scroll back through my added albums to last year to find this again because I couldn’t remember this artist or album name. I only remembered the crunchy fuzzy 90s-altrock/shoegazish vibe and that Toro y Moi produced it and that it came out last year and that it had a dog and barfy slimy green and magenta letters on the cover.

I had to scroll back through my added albums to last year to find this again because I couldn’t remember this artist or album name. I only remembered the crunchy fuzzy 90s-altrock/shoegazish vibe and that Toro y Moi produced it and that it came out last year and that it had a dog and barfy slimy green and magenta letters on the cover.

[Listening progression: MAHAL –> Hole Erth preview tracks –> GIZMO (this album.)] When I first read a blurb and saw the art for Toro y Moi’s forthcoming album Hole Erth I imagined that it was going be something like this album. Turns out the tracks that have been released from Hole Erth so far aren’t much like this album at all, but that’s okay.

Mr. Rain

The final track “Mr. Rain” really matches the weather and mood this evening, dramatic thunderstorms overhead mixed with golden hour sunset lighting under the clouds to the west.

view of post thunderstorm golden sunset from the window to my backyard and the neighbor’s backyard

Standalone post link: Listening Log: GIZMO

Listening Log: MAHAL

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.12]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.11]

I listened to MAHAL by Toro y Moi. 🎵

MAHAL - Cover Art

My father-in-law is in the Philippines on a work trip and there were pictures shared and discussion of the awesomeness of jeepneys and tricycles in the family chat, so that of course over anything else gave me a flimsy excuse to think of this album and listen to it again, as it doesn’t take very much to make me think of this album and want to listen to it again. And I surprisingly couldn’t resist also randomly sharing1 in the family chat a modicum of my enthusiasm for the album and Chaz' associated jeepney restoration project.

My father-in-law is in the Philippines on a work trip and there were pictures shared and discussion of the awesomeness of jeepneys and tricycles in the family chat, so that of course over anything else gave me a flimsy excuse to think of this album and listen to it again, as it doesn’t take very much to make me think of this album and want to listen to it again. And I surprisingly couldn’t resist also randomly sharing1 in the family chat a modicum of my enthusiasm for the album and Chaz' associated jeepney restoration project.

Toro y Moi - The Loop (Official Video)

Toro y Moi - Postman (Official Video)

Want a Ride in Toro y Moi’s Jeepney? | KQED

Toro y Moi - Goes By So Fast: a MAHAL Film [Behind the Scenes]

If I somehow convert even just one of my nieces, nephews, or in-laws into a Tory y Moi fan, my joy will be tenfold. Even if I just plant the seed…

  1. I usually reserve such sharing for this obscure site, if I share at all. ↩︎

Standalone post link: Listening Log: MAHAL

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