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Joshua Whiting




For nearly the past two months I’ve been tracking all my reading updates just in a OneNote page. Transferring it here for transparency/accountability, or just some form of conspicuousness. Think I’m about to go onto Goodreads and log all of this, get caught up, be a social human of some sort, &c. Maybe I’ll post specific things about some of these books on here as well if I have time and inclination.

[ Full post: Books Read in June-July 2020 ]


My kids and I have been casually talking about turning our yard into an orchard, and re-reading this book in my backyard today inspires me to get completely serious about it. Impossible to read these poems and not want to start growing stuff.

[ Full post: Reading: Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude ]


Been thinking a lot about curation, both professionally and personally. Where, when, how, whether to do it. I’ve been in a holding pattern about sharing things for a long time now - I have digital and physical notebooks full of things to potentially share (good and helpful things, I believe), but it seems too big a deal to share them. There are too many options, each with benefits and drawbacks, each with different audiences, or in some cases no audience at all.

[ Full post: The Opposite of Curation Isn't A Mess But Silence ]


Bookshelf by my desk full of books to read, review, or take back to the library if libraries ever open up again. Also, other things to do.

my desk one day when I hadn’t cleaned up in a while

[ Full post: Working Conditions ]



Arrangement by William Whiting. Photo by me.

[ Full post: mlp:qim ]


It’s a Moot Point by Melanie Faye - Cover Art

I had a dream that I listened to this song on a different streaming platform and the guitar solos were missing from the track. I feverishly scoured the internet trying to find the original version with the guitar solos and figure out what was happening. Tabs kept closing on me and websites glitched into oblivion. I wasn’t sure if the streaming platform or record label had demanded their removal, or if she had somehow become ashamed of them and self-censored, or if it was the Mandela effect, or some other kind of weird conspiracy, but I was going to somehow get to the bottom of this cosmic scandal against musicianship and bring the lost guitar solos back to light.

The next day I had to listen to the song several times on different platforms just to be reassured that the guitar solos had not actually disappeared, but still remained on the track in their fulness.

[ Full post: It's a Moot Point ]


In the past month I’ve found myself paralyzed in regards to social media, both personally and professionally. Whenever I peak into my feeds I’ve been easily overwhelmed by the content I see: deluges of RESOURCES FOR “ONLINE LEARNING1,” endless interludes of stay-at-home inanities and banalities, and then literal death and suffering, since underneath all of this inconvenience, opportunism, and political posturing it turns out there is an actual tragic pandemic that is taking lives.

I haven’t known how to contribute to this world, and ultimately decided the best way to contribute would be to just stay quiet. Or maybe I just choked and failed by dropping out of this resource-sharing, curating, connecting game at the very moment when it was suddenly THE THING TO DO.

[ Full post: A Break for a Minute to Imagine ]


It’s actually kind of inspiring how bad this film is.

Permanent Vacation Poster Image

[ Full post: I Watched Permanent Vacation, 1980 ]


I feel like every moment of my life going forward could be another scene of this film.

Stranger Than Paradise Poster Image

[ Full post: I Watched Stranger Than Paradise, 1984 ]


I think she might be the most hilarious actor I’ve ever watched.

Nights of Cabiria - Poster

La Strada - Poster

[ Full post: Giulietta Masina - first and second impressions, while I was supposed to be regarding the genius of Fellini* ]

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